No place to go, no path unseen
No air to run when it is all coming down.
Tomorrow has never seemed so lost. And pain has never been so numb.
Laughing only makes your heart ache harder, trying to hope only makes you feel emptier, and all those open arms just show you void and loneliness.
No road to try, no way to change.
No time to awake, no sunrise for your night.
Please, oh please, make me alive. Make me believe. Make me feel. Please, I'm begging you, free my pain, free my tears, stop my heart from ripping out, stop my mind from going numb.
No way to see, no way to remember.
No joy,no light.
a way of me
luni, mai 30, 2011
To you, my dear friend
i would have never knew myself if i would have not gotten to know you,because if i were to tell you what you mean to me i would have to use colors, music, sunny days, the rain, sometimes the wind and surely pieces of my heart. i would have never knew what silence meant if i would have not gotten to read your silence, because if i were to write the stories you told me i would write of thoughts of life, of fate, of solitude,of being there, of words that don't need saying. i would have never knew how to take care of myself if it weren't for your arms to catch me when i was going down, because if i were to remember all the sad times i could not remember one that was without you there, hands stretched out, soul wide open, part of my pain yours. i would have never knew what being happy meant if i would not have been happy for you, because laughing with you needed no reasons, and happiness was never stupid and easy, but always there. i would have never been me without you, because you are a part of my soul, you listened to all my sappy songs, you saw me in my greatest weakness, you taught me that i am me, a beautiful me.
so we will always be here, because here is not a place, it is between us. here and now as well as there and then will always be us.
so we will always be here, because here is not a place, it is between us. here and now as well as there and then will always be us.
luni, ianuarie 10, 2011
We promised we would never stop dreaming
But when the nightmares began we gave up hope
We let go of our hands and spoke only of reality
We forgot that waking up from a nightmare is the most powerful dream
And so we kept living in this nightmare without dreams.
We promised we would never say empty words
But then we started talking of forever while thinking of someone else
And so our past began to shade our future
And words were emptier than silence, the heavy, guilty silence.
It was then we started walking our separate ways alone.
We promised to never lie about tomorrow
But when we opened our eyes and saw that we were strangers
We fooled ourselves believing yesterdays were hidden among the shadowed tomorrows
We kept on playing a game of cheating
And we woke up one day sickened of each other's smile.
We promised we would never forget how our skins smelled together
But too soon we started hidding ourselves behind parfumes
Hidding the smell of death, of cheating, of lying, of despair
Pretending the world could mimic our perfume
And so we mixed too many flavours on and on until we were wearing just the smell of sham.
And so I ask you this:
How many time cand you bend a heart before it breaks for good?
But when the nightmares began we gave up hope
We let go of our hands and spoke only of reality
We forgot that waking up from a nightmare is the most powerful dream
And so we kept living in this nightmare without dreams.
We promised we would never say empty words
But then we started talking of forever while thinking of someone else
And so our past began to shade our future
And words were emptier than silence, the heavy, guilty silence.
It was then we started walking our separate ways alone.
We promised to never lie about tomorrow
But when we opened our eyes and saw that we were strangers
We fooled ourselves believing yesterdays were hidden among the shadowed tomorrows
We kept on playing a game of cheating
And we woke up one day sickened of each other's smile.
We promised we would never forget how our skins smelled together
But too soon we started hidding ourselves behind parfumes
Hidding the smell of death, of cheating, of lying, of despair
Pretending the world could mimic our perfume
And so we mixed too many flavours on and on until we were wearing just the smell of sham.
And so I ask you this:
How many time cand you bend a heart before it breaks for good?
sâmbătă, octombrie 23, 2010
Daca inca mai crezi ca acolo undeva te asteapta un suflet cald, daca inca mai poti visa ca intr-o zi va fi usor, daca nu simti cum timpul iti fuge prin fata ochiilor, daca stii ca poti sa te ridici de jos singur, daca poti sa speri ca poate maine vei zbura, daca poti sa spui ca ai iubit, daca stii sa minti si totusi nu o faci, daca mai tii minte cui ai zambit ieri, daca maine pentru tine e un rasarit si nu apus, daca crezi ca o mana calda spune mai multe decat o carte, daca stii care ti-e drumul si nu ti-e frica sa-l incepi, daca mai poti fugi ca in copilarie, daca tie sufletul iti mai scrie scrisori, daca tu inca mai stii sa asculti si soaptele, daca inca vrei si speri ca o sa poti, daca inca mai traiesti, striga-ti bucuria lumii.
vineri, iunie 18, 2010
Dress code for hearts

I sometimes wear my heart in stripes
Sometimes in bright pink polka dots
I've never tried wearing it in deep shades of green
Or maybe baby-blue.
I sometimes wear my heart under the sun
Sometimes I keep it cool in splashing rain
I should perhaps try to cover it in mud
Or maybe sprinkle it with sand.
I sometimes wear my heart in hugs and smiles
Sometimes in lonely words
I would have worn it in your hands
Or maybe in our dreams.
I sometimes wear my heart with heels
Sometimes with flats stepping on rocks
I sometimes run with it in running shoes
Or feel the grass on bare heart.
I sometimes wear my heart in ruffeled dresses
Sometimes in hot designer jeans
I've tried to wear it in your clothes
Or sprayed with your perfume.
I sometimes wear my heart unchaged
Sometimes it walks uncertain
I try to keep it always strong
Or never giving up, at least.
I sometimes wear my heart alone
Sometimes with others holding hands
I should sometimes let you wear it
Or maybe switch it's place.
sâmbătă, aprilie 24, 2010
There's this light inside of me that you just don't seem able to see
At the end of the day you're left all alone with yourself.It's just yourself with your happiness, your tears, your hopes or your fears. At the end of the day it's just you and a big mirror.At the end of each day you have to stand brave and look at yourself in your own mirror. And it is the most scarry thing you have to go through all the way. Because you know that for each of your fears you have to search deep inside and give yourself the hand that will help you raise above it all.For each of your tears there is nobody else that can understand what lies beneath, and no hand but your own can wipe the tears in such a way that will help you heal.But then again, stading in front of this big mirror will always make you see that no pain will totaly vanish; not with time, not with somenone else, not by forgetting. And that is the moment when you start really looking in the mirror for something inside of you that will help you grow roses around this ugly fence of darkness. And you have to keep looking behind all the existing fences until you find something inside of you that will keep you going. Because at the end of the day there is no one left to keep telling you it will be all right.And whenever you crumble under the weight of your own pain you have to look at yourself in the mirror down on your knees and still find the way to get back up.
At the end of the day there is no one there to laugh with you. For no one else in the world does your happiness mean the same. There is absolute no one out there that knows how you feel.Because being happy is something that we all live through but we never feel what anyone else feels. And at the end of the day you have to see in your mirror your big smile, and be brave enough to accept that no one else will know that you feel that way, that you are left all alone even in your moments of joy. All those inner smiles will never be the ones on your face, or even the ones in your eyes. At the end of the day you have to know that your and your soul are the only ones that will ever know the amount of happiness you can feel.
At the end of the day you have to face your dreams. You have to bury some of them, you have to stand alone by thier grave knowing they will never be alive. You have to find strenght somewhere down deep to grow wings for all of the ones still left breathing. Their is no harder thing that you have to go to sleep with than believing in your own dreams for one more day. No one will blow wind for their wings to fly, no one will push them forward. Stading in front of your own mirror you are the one left to chose how to paint your destiny. And in the face of uncertainty, of fear and unknown you have to step in the darkness all alone. And for every decission you make you have but yourself to judge and to punish rigtheously. And it takes far more bravery than making a wish come true judging if your wish deserves to come true, and how many people would be left hurting if you chose to cheat at judging yourself.
At the end of the day you are left all alone with who you are. And you have to be brave enough to love yourself in such a way that you will nourish and take care of yourself to become something more, something better. At the end of your day you are left all alone with your disappointments,with your pain, your moments of grace, with your every breath.
At the end of the day you are all alone in this world. And it will never stop being petrifying scarry.
marți, martie 09, 2010
Nu are cum
Cand un fluture iubeste un balon nu prea are cum sa iasa bine. Oricat de colorat ar fi balonul, niciodata pentru fluture nu va fi o floare. Si oricat de mult ar incerca fluturele sa convinga balonul sa stea cu el, balonul va zbura mai sus.
Cand un pom iubeste o floare nu prea are cum sa iasa bine. Oricat de sus se va inalta copacul tot ii va tine umbra florii. Si oricat de mult se va deschide floarea niciodata nu va putea cuprinde cu privirea pe de-a-ntregul pomul.
Cand un fir de nisip iubeste marea nu prea are cum sa iasa bine. Oricat de des se va lasa spalat de valuri tot inapoi pe plaja va fi adus firul de nisip. Si oricat de linistita va fi marea niciodata nu-l va putea culege-n valuri doar pe el.
Cand o pasare iubeste cerul nu prea are cum sa iasa bine. Oricat de inalt va incerca sa zboare pasarea, niciodata nu va putea managaia cu aripile cerul. Si oricat de mult s-ar intinde cerul niciodata nu va putea cuprinde in brate zborul pasarii.
Cand luna iubeste soarele nu prea are cum sa iasa bine. Oricat de mult ar colora soarele cerul la apus niciodata luna nu il va vedea cu adevarat. Si oricat de multe stele ar stinge pentru el, luna nu va fi niciodata suficient de calda pentru a lasa o urma de scrisoare pe cer la rasarit.
Cand doua maini iubesc un chip nu prea are cum sa iasa bine. Oricat de mult ar mangaia chipul niciodata nu vor putea pastra in palme zambetele si tristetea. Si oricat ar incerca buzele niciodata nu vor putea acoperi fiecare amprenta cu saruturi.
Cand doua inimi care nu se cunosc se iubesc nu prea are cum sa iasa bine. Si totusi cateodata se intalnesc.
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