luni, mai 30, 2011


No place to go, no path unseen
No air to run when it is all coming down.
Tomorrow has never seemed so lost. And pain has never been so numb.
Laughing only makes your heart ache harder, trying to hope only makes you feel emptier, and all those open arms just show you void and loneliness.
No road to try, no way to change.
No time to awake, no sunrise for your night.
Please, oh please, make me alive. Make me believe. Make me feel. Please, I'm begging you, free my pain, free my tears, stop my heart from ripping out, stop my mind from going numb.
No way to see, no way to remember.
No joy,no light.

To you, my dear friend

i would have never knew myself if i would have not gotten to know you,because if i were to tell you what you mean to me i would have to use colors, music, sunny days, the rain, sometimes the wind and surely pieces of my heart. i would have never knew what silence meant if i would have not gotten to read your silence, because if i were to write the stories you told me i would write of thoughts of life, of fate, of solitude,of being there, of words that don't need saying. i would have never knew how to take care of myself if it weren't for your arms to catch me when i was going down, because if i were to remember all the sad times i could not remember one that was without you there, hands stretched out, soul wide open, part of my pain yours. i would have never knew what being happy meant if i would not have been happy for you, because laughing with you needed no reasons, and happiness was never stupid and easy, but always there. i would have never been me without you, because you are a part of my soul, you listened to all my sappy songs, you saw me in my greatest weakness, you taught me that i am me, a beautiful me.
so we will always be here, because here is not a place, it is between us. here and now as well as there and then will always be us.

luni, ianuarie 10, 2011

We promised we would never stop dreaming
But when the nightmares began we gave up hope
We let go of our hands and spoke only of reality
We forgot that waking up from a nightmare is the most powerful dream
And so we kept living in this nightmare without dreams.

We promised we would never say empty words
But then we started talking of forever while thinking of someone else
And so our past began to shade our future
And words were emptier than silence, the heavy, guilty silence.
It was then we started walking our separate ways alone.

We promised to never lie about tomorrow
But when we opened our eyes and saw that we were strangers
We fooled ourselves believing yesterdays were hidden among the shadowed tomorrows
We kept on playing a game of cheating
And we woke up one day sickened of each other's smile.

We promised we would never forget how our skins smelled together
But too soon we started hidding ourselves behind parfumes
Hidding the smell of death, of cheating, of lying, of despair
Pretending the world could mimic our perfume
And so we mixed too many flavours on and on until we were wearing just the smell of sham.

And so I ask you this:
How many time cand you bend a heart before it breaks for good?