Imagineaza-ti ca ai putea sa cunosti un om care sa fie asa cum ai vrea tu. Sa il construiesti tu. Dar sa cunosti din el doar ceea ce ai vedea si dintr-o persoana reala, ceea ce te-ar lasa el/ea sa vezi.Imagineaza-ti ce ai cunoaste din el. Un joc.
There is so much about him. Much more thant I ever thought could be. He is not the one everyone sees. He has his secrets. One bigger than all the others. He can patiently wait for you to get to him, but in return you have to accept that all he gives is half-sided:half himself and half secret. He can see in you more frankly than you could ever be with yourself.
He taught me how I can go back to myself. How happiness is what everything is all about. He has patience but needs a lot of space. You can never feel that he has let you get close to him. He always keeps a distance from everybody else. I wonder if there is a person with whom he can be completely honest.
He taught me that it if allright to let go of people and that friends change over time. He said it's ok not to know who you are, He taught me that it is most important to always do at least one thing you truly like.
He knows me but does not consider that he does. He sees that I am still a child and that I have so much ahead of me before I grow up. He has taught me things I thought I knew. But he is still a peculiar stranger to me, altough he is one of my best friends.
Lately he has changed. A lot. He is sad. He seems still joyful but he has lost the one thing he thought that after discovering wouldbe forever with him: his happiness. He keeps too much to himself and it has started to kill him inside. He has lost one thing, but because of his silence he has remaind all alone.
He is the only person that I know that has truly his own life. He has taught me what it means to be on your own and I found out I am not ready for that. But I have learned that I am always myself no matter whom i have beside me. I am still afraid of loneliness, but he had taught me how to detach from others.
I guess he just needs to let others teach him new things about himself. He has changed. And he seems lost, like things that he had figuered out before are not true anymore.
He can find happiness everyday. But he knows it is never true happiness so he is always searching for more. He fights for everything in his life, but he does not do it by beaing mean. He does not want others to see him, but for him to learn whom he realy is.
He has probably taught me more things than everybody else alltogheter. But he did it in fewer words than everyone else. I wish he could still show me where to go from here on. But he is not the man to give it all out. He has taught me to be more patient and to slowly get to know others, rather than to be impatient. he is the one I need the most patience for. And I hope one day I could get to know more of him. I never dream of knowing everything.
He is a secret himself. And he has secrets.
P.S scuzati si de data aceasta eventualele greseli :)
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