At the end of the day you're left all alone with yourself.It's just yourself with your happiness, your tears, your hopes or your fears. At the end of the day it's just you and a big mirror.At the end of each day you have to stand brave and look at yourself in your own mirror. And it is the most scarry thing you have to go through all the way. Because you know that for each of your fears you have to search deep inside and give yourself the hand that will help you raise above it all.For each of your tears there is nobody else that can understand what lies beneath, and no hand but your own can wipe the tears in such a way that will help you heal.But then again, stading in front of this big mirror will always make you see that no pain will totaly vanish; not with time, not with somenone else, not by forgetting. And that is the moment when you start really looking in the mirror for something inside of you that will help you grow roses around this ugly fence of darkness. And you have to keep looking behind all the existing fences until you find something inside of you that will keep you going. Because at the end of the day there is no one left to keep telling you it will be all right.And whenever you crumble under the weight of your own pain you have to look at yourself in the mirror down on your knees and still find the way to get back up.
At the end of the day there is no one there to laugh with you. For no one else in the world does your happiness mean the same. There is absolute no one out there that knows how you feel.Because being happy is something that we all live through but we never feel what anyone else feels. And at the end of the day you have to see in your mirror your big smile, and be brave enough to accept that no one else will know that you feel that way, that you are left all alone even in your moments of joy. All those inner smiles will never be the ones on your face, or even the ones in your eyes. At the end of the day you have to know that your and your soul are the only ones that will ever know the amount of happiness you can feel.
At the end of the day you have to face your dreams. You have to bury some of them, you have to stand alone by thier grave knowing they will never be alive. You have to find strenght somewhere down deep to grow wings for all of the ones still left breathing. Their is no harder thing that you have to go to sleep with than believing in your own dreams for one more day. No one will blow wind for their wings to fly, no one will push them forward. Stading in front of your own mirror you are the one left to chose how to paint your destiny. And in the face of uncertainty, of fear and unknown you have to step in the darkness all alone. And for every decission you make you have but yourself to judge and to punish rigtheously. And it takes far more bravery than making a wish come true judging if your wish deserves to come true, and how many people would be left hurting if you chose to cheat at judging yourself.
At the end of the day you are left all alone with who you are. And you have to be brave enough to love yourself in such a way that you will nourish and take care of yourself to become something more, something better. At the end of your day you are left all alone with your disappointments,with your pain, your moments of grace, with your every breath.
At the end of the day you are all alone in this world. And it will never stop being petrifying scarry.